Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ok. here goes. last night was a breath of fresh air for me. i had become stale through secular teaching, and then at the Youth group kickoff-to be surrounded by other beleivers, was like a lsap in the face, and early morning wakeup call. It was defienetly God who planned those days to collide together.

I will first start out by saying how un-trained my mind is when it comes to secular training. all the training i've received is Christian, except of course that forklift training or CPR or Scuba diving. but this was different. this was 100% Serious attacks on my beleifs! if you don't think Femenists don't attack your beleifs. you should sit with them for a few days and see how much they probably hate Christians. I could almost taste it. although they did talk about how "We should all respect each others opinions..." i still felt Like i'd be the center of attention.

so your probably confused now. let me explaine my job. I was hired to work for Girls.Inc. a corporation that helps build up girls and there "self-image" and Blah-Blah-Blah. not that that is bad...but the behind the scenes training is what freaked me out. all the 25 women who were there were either Liberal, Feminist, New age or all of those! except one. this Girl who i'll be working for... They kept saying things like "I found my iner-child" and "The energy in this room is Amazing!" they are pr-abortion, luckily we didn't discuss that in this training...and they excercise "safe-sex"! Grrrr....I hope they don't expect me to teach any of that. if they do, they'll have to fire me first. of course the ciriculum says nothing about abortion and safe sex as aposed to absinence, but what's to stop them if i refuse to "Mentor" a girl in that direction. well, needless to say, after those two days of training, i felt dirty, like i needed a shower. and being able to show up at someones house with alot of christians, made me feel so much better! more to say on this job later...after i have a serious meeting with Masami.


Lanelle said...

Carina, I first want to say that I miss you! I hope you are still able to come to home group on occasion or get together or something...

Our role on earth is to be a light. To banish the shadows. Yes, it is very hard. Walk in it with prayer. I am praying for you. I hope masami can give you some good advice for how to do "the job" well and yet not deny your faith. You should talk to Roni as well, she has been in that sort of thing many many times.

I am glad you were refreshed with the gathering. Time together as a body is to be a time of encouraging each other on, holding each other up in prayer. Way to go! I am excited to see how this helps you mature in new ways!

Carina said...

thanks :)